The End of CNN.

Clownfish TV
CNN is probably ending, and it’s because of CNN Max. Insiders think Warner will just kill off linear CNN and shift CNN over to streaming going forward because of the rapidly declining ratings, internal drama and more.

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#CNN #News #Streaming #HBOMax


  1. Who in the heck still watches cnn and msnbc? They have lied to you so much why would you tune in?

  2. Who the hell would even want to watch cnn on streaming

  3. I’m telling y’all my parents and in laws both watch CNN. They have no clue that it is zonking them out.

  4. These companies are assuming advertisers are really dumb

  5. Mark Thompson is the ex-head of the BBC and was previously found in a BBC's own enquiry to have breached editorial guidelines in 'accuracy and honesty'. If you think CNN lie now, just wait till he gets established in the job.

  6. If Disney and others studios disappear. All for it.

  7. LOL not many people watch on cable any way not much loss. Even MSNBC does better than CNN.

  8. CNN is a company I want to see bankrupt . I’ll never tune in or contribute. All I can say is “hurry up”.

    Will last as long as there is A BEZOS, MURDOCK, GATES, BUFFETT..TO PROP THEM UP

  10. 86,000 not watching.
    Tv running while on tic toc

  11. The brave heart freedom scream is what I would do if it happens

  12. I'll believe it when I see it. All the alt media shills said they'd be gone years ago.

  13. CNN has gotten incredibly sour.. It use to be somewhat legit but lately its just been Cringe AF

  14. CNN is NOT moderate, remember they were the ones that coined the phrase "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests" during the BLM riots to downplay all the destruction? Yeah that was them

  15. I don't think you understand people there are sheep that still think Is communism is a good thing
    The type of people that I'll tell you the democrat party isn't the racist organization it's always been
    These are the people that think that somehow the party switched and the democrats work the founders of the KKK

  16. how many times have we seen this headline? get so tired of this crap

  17. Comparing CNN to Fox is a gross injustice to Fox. Four years ago you could literally switch between them and see
    Fox- a hurricane is coming…
    CNN- Trump bad
    Fox- There's a war in…
    CNN- Trump did a thing
    Fox- Inflation has hit an all time…
    CNN- but TRUMP !!

  18. how the mighty have fallen… bahahahahaahh

  19. So I've heard a rumor that CNN is going to work on restoring their reputation for journalistic integrity. They'll start by re-airing CNN broadcasts from 1991…

  20. Knewon how was PowerCon. Meet Good She-Ra or Eviel Lynn? Are your famlily looking for the new phoniexe harsbro…grayskull castle? ( I know SP……..)

  21. There are many youtubers that get more viewers on a fraction of the budget.

  22. They are keeping CNN around out of spity so they won't give in to the fact nobody wants to see CNN. Just end it for good because nothing of value will be lost. I don't watch the fakenews.

  23. I pay to not watch adds if im paying + watching adds im bailing on that platform. Im not wasting my like life on 10 mins of commercials for every 20 mins of watch time. Not that id watch CCN anyway.

  24. It would appear that Communist News Network is not quite dead ENOUGH….yet, anyway.

  25. If CNN goes away, Fox News has to go too 🤔

  26. This is funny because the cable concept will eventually be reinvented

  27. Nobody watches it on cable. Nobody is going to watch it on Max either. Look what happened with CNN+. They can’t find a formula that works since Trump left office. Maybe he’ll come back though. It’s their only hope.

  28. I like you guys videos, and now I just learned that we see Eye 2 Eye politically. 2 thumbs up

  29. Ms. Sparkle you are an incredibly smart and wise young lady. Great perception too

  30. The end of Disney the end of CNN politically motivated nonsense.

  31. I hope cnn goes away forever. They haven’t been news for years.

  32. Ah, c'mon guys, we all want to see the latest rachael madcow tds meltdown.

    (Yeah, me neither)

  33. CNN might as well be just a bunch of youtubers doing podcasts.

  34. I personnely dont a single person watches CNN.

  35. And nobody threw out a "see an end" pun?? What's wrong with you people 😂

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